Lean and Agile Process Improvement Roadmaps

PDCA circle Many small improvement projects, like Kaizen events and other level-ll initiatives, follow the Lean and Agile process improvement cycle – PDCA approach or Deming’s cycle. The PDCA abbreviation stands for plan-do-check-act and is also known as the Deming or Shewart circle. We will briefly review each of the four steps: Plan Within the […]

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What is Change Management?

Change management is a much discussed, yet controversial term, most people do not like change. However, we simply cannot do without change. Our lifestyle, our economy even our cultures is based on change life. Without change we still be chasing bears and living in caves. Within our organizations we have to deal with changes. What […]

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What is Lean?

Each company that want to become world class has to solve the same challenge. How can we provide products or services with maximum value for our clients at the lowest possible costs and with shortest delivery time? With regard to the production and delivery process operational excellence is a requirement. The core idea is to […]

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