Why Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification?

  • There are more than 700,000 PMP® Professionals in the world. This shows the popularity of PMP Certification.
  • PMP® Credential holders can get upto 25% More Salary than those who are not certified. See the Salary Survey Data 2015 by Project Management Institute (PMI)®
  • Higher Chance of getting a L1-A visa as a PMP® professional

What is PMP Certification and How does it help you?

  • PMP Certification is a globally recognized Project Management Certification.
  • Show your commitment to the project management profession. 
  • Learn about the globally recognized best practices, tools and techniques
  • Recognize your knowledge, skills and abilities. Become more confident about the Project Management Job.
  • Get upto 30% more salary
  • Give yourself an opportunity to get career opportunities and advancement in India or elsewhere.
  • Prepare you for greater job responsibilities and move up the value chain.
  • Build self confidence.  
  • Allow for greater recognition from peers.

How PMP® certification help organizations? Why Organizations respect PMP®?

  1. Organizations benefit by having a competent work force 
    • Understands Project Management Methodology which is standard in the world
    • Work force understands the responsibilities better
    • Lesser training cost for the employers by employing a certified individual
    • Work force is more disciplined if they are PMP® certified. They use best practices already used elsewhere in the world.
    • Other than the operational aspects of Project management, PMP® certified workforce also understands other aspects such as Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills and Stakeholder Management
  2. Your client has increased confidence because
    • Your team has excellent knowledge and skills that they can use for delivering projects effectively.
    • Your team uses best practices recognized in the industry and the practices those have made them successful.
  3. Helps Retain its employees

Why is PMI® Certification valued?

  • Project Management Institute is the world’s leading not-for-profit professional membership association for the project, program and portfolio management profession.
  • Founded in 1969, PMI® delivers value for more than 2.9 million professionals working in nearly every country in the world through global advocacy, collaboration, education and research.
  • PMI® certifications advances careers, improves organizational success and further matures the profession of project management through its globally recognized standards, certifications, resources, tools, academic research, publications, professional development courses, and networking opportunities.
  • Popularity of PMP® has increased with customers. Customers feel confident about an individual once he/she has achieved PMP® credential. This is because, individual has to gain thorough knowledge of tools, techniques and best practices before they can attempt and pass the PMP® Examination.

Photos of past PMP Certification

PMP Certification
PMP Certification

Excerpts from Project Management Institute (PMI)® Salary Survey  

PMI Annual Salary Survey 2016