Short Interval Management (SIM)

Did you know that the concept of Daily Stand-up meeting was there long back in the manufacturing world much before we IT guys were even born?? It was called Short Interval Management (SIM) and has Japanese roots.

Short Interval Management is a shop floor exercise that engages team members to assess whether they are still on track. The term “Short Interval” means many times in a day as required to solve problems. One of the key component of SIM is the regular “Daily StandUp meeting” which is held at the same time at the same place every day. The meeting is always held on the Shop Floor (“Gemba”) instead of in conference rooms. The other standup meetings during the day are called just “Stand-up meetings”.

The meetings focus on 2 key elements “Looking Back” and “Looking forward”. (Remember the “What did I do yesterday? What will I do today? Do I have any impediments” of Daily Standup in Scrum?)